Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Behind the Scenes Look

Instead of talking about the sad occurrences of last night's Bulls game I will instead focus on what happened to me on Tuesday. This past Tuesday I had the honor of working as a Production Assistant for a NBA Entertainment shoot involving Derrick Rose and Ahmad Rashad at Rose's house. Needless to say it was great. I arrived early, the shoot was at 12:45 I got there at 12:30. One of his buddies, or brothers (I'm not sure which) let me in and made me feel at home. Everyone I met at Derrick Rose's house was extremely friendly and no one ever gave off that sense of superiority that you read about all the time (I'm looking at you LeBron). When the rest of the crew arrived we began setting everything up. It was a pretty standard shoot, nothing to shocking. We moved lights in, furniture out, set up the cameras, and got the room ready for when Ahmad and Derrick arrived.

One thing to note, camera guys and light guys will change the setup a million times if they are allowed. Because Derrick was a little late, nothing terrible (Plus he was working out, which is a good thing), the guys changed the lighting about 20 times. Ahmad arrived about an hour before Rose and got settled, and let me tell you he hates AND I MEAN HATES the cold. He complained about it for at least 20 minutes. It's hard to believe he used to play football in Minnesota, in an outdoor stadium.

Rose arrived and Ahmad and him exchanged pleasantries and then sat down for the interview. It was a good interview, nothing to shocking. One thing I really like is Rose comes off as truly humble. I don't think it's an act and he is very thankful for everything he has. Basically, I'm glad he's the Bulls franchise player, it's a pleasure to root for a guy like that.

The interview was a half hour than we broke the stuff down and loaded it up. Rose shook my hand and thanked me for coming and we were out the door. The whole thing lasted a total of 4 hours and paid me a decent amount. It was probably the best work experience I've ever had. Anyway, a bunch of pics below with an occasional comment.

Ahmad with the crew, there is a lot of standing around and waiting once everything gets set up.

Derrick isn't the most exciting interview, but every once in a while he did bust out in laughter.

Rose is one of the nicer guys I've met in professional sports. It really was fun to be in his house and working with him.

Rose's house. It's nothing crazy big and he doesn't have a lot of expensive things lying around. It's good to see him stay humble and also not spending crazy money. Not after hearing about Antoine Walker blowing through a hundred million. It is in a great neighborhood that is nice and quiet and is right down the street from the practice facility. Apparently several players live in the area which makes sense after seeing everything.

Rose does own a sweet Camaro, which as some of you know is my favorite car. Also if you look closely you can see the Skittles machine in the background that was sent to him for free because he loves skittles. Rose did say he eats a lot of candy, but no where near the amount Lamar Odom eats. I thought that was funny.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Please check it out. And leave all comments on the HOOPSWORLD website. The more hits I get the better.

Monday, November 29, 2010


My first 'real' article will appear at It's about the owner vs. the players and the collective bargaining agreement. Needless to say I'm proud of it and I hope everyone takes a few minutes and gives it a quick read. When it comes up tomorrow I'll post a link.

Starting Wednesday or maybe tomorrow night I'll get back to blogging. If I have time I'll break down my day with Derrick Rose tomorrow. I'm working as a PA for NBAE during an interview with Rose at his house. It should be good times.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sorry For No Updates

But I have been working on a story for Once it's finished I will post a link and I will get back to blogging about my Bulls. But needless to say I don't want to screw this up.

On the Bulls side, they finished the circus trip 4-3 and had 'Melo missed a fadeaway at the buzzer they would have been 5-2. That's pretty damn good and once Boozer gets back this should be one of the top teams in the League, not just the East. One more side note, if Derrick Rose isn't a starter in the All-Star game I'm going to be pissed!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Carmelo Watch

All the media is piling onto the Miami HEAT right now, so I'm not going to. If you want HEAT info you can pretty much find it any and everywhere.

So onto Carmelo Anthony. From what I've seen he is relatively uninterested in playing for Denver. He is still scoring, 25.4 points per game, but he is taking less shots than last year and averaging 3 less points. This is significant because half the team is injured, you would think with guys out Carmelo would be more likely to take over the scoring load, but from what I've seen he's deferring, as in not being aggressive, until the fourth quarter. That tells me he isn't as into the game as he should be and the Nuggets are only 8-6. I think the only way the Nuggets actually keep Anthony is if come the all-star game they are one of the best team's in the league, and the only way that happens is if Anthony plays at a MVP type level. So Anthony wants to be traded and the only way that can happen is if he doesn't put his team in a position to compete for a title. Hmmmm, I wonder why he isn't going 100%? I still think he gets traded because he's made it pretty clear he isn't coming back to Denver no matter what. So here are some teams he could end up going to.

Nets-Derrick Favors, a lottery pick next year, and expirings or Devin Harris. That's a pretty good deal and Favors is probably the best prospect they will be able to get for Anthony. If the Nuggets wait until the deadline there is a good chance that the Nets will be out of the playoff picture which will only increase the likelihood that a deal will happen.

Bulls-Luol Deng (or expiring from another team), Taj Gibson, Omer Asik, the Bulls pick next year (in the 20s), and the Charlotte future lottery pick. This is only going to happen if 'Melo and his people put the pressure on the Nuggets. This is an OK deal for the Nuggets and might even be the second best deal available. But again, it's only happening if Anthony forces it to happen.

Rockets-Aaron Brooks, Jordan Hill, and lots of New York Knick picks as well as there own pick. The Rockets are one of the few teams that will trade for Anthony even without an extension in place. If the Nuggets believe Anthony won't be resigning this is a deal that could actually happen. It involves some young talent and lots of potentially high draft picks it's a win win for both teams, at least until Anthony goes to the Knicks

Mavs-Who knows, but you know Mark Cuban will try to get in on this. I have no idea what he can offer but he is going to try any and everything to pair Carmelo with Dirk Nowitzki.

Knicks-Eddy Curry expiring deal, Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, and a late first rounder from another team. This is the worst deal out there. I can't imagine the Nuggets accepting this under any circumstances. Even if Anthony demands to be traded to the Knicks or he'll walk I see the Nuggets holding onto him and trying to make a deep playoff run. The pieces the Knicks are offering aren't anything you can build around and don't help you this year or in the future, so why not just hold onto the guy that sells tickets for at least one more season?

Magic-I know they want to get involved in this as well, but I can't see them offering anything of value. They don't have any young talent and they are too good so their picks are going to be in the late 20s for the next few years. But again I know they are going to try.

I'm sure there are other teams as well, but these are the ones I have read about. If I had to guess, in order of what I think happens, I think he either gets traded to the Nets, the Nuggets ride it out, he demands a trade to the Bulls (which the Nuggets accept at the deadline), the Nuggets say screw it and accept a ton of picks from the Rockets, or he demands a trade to the Knicks and the Nuggets say no and he still rides it out. I don't think the Mavs or Magic have enough value to realistically get involved in this.

If the Bulls beat the Lakers tonight I'll break it down tomorrow, if not I won't, because I'll be sad, but not surprised.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The HEAT Keep Losing (Hooray)

The HEAT lost again last night to the lowly Memphis Grizzlies. The game was tied with 5 seconds left and Memphis had the ball out of bounds. Rudy Gay gets the inbounds, against LeBron James, drives hard to the right. Elevates, fades, and drills a tough 15 footer at the buzzer to beat the HEAT! It was pure brilliance and more proof that the HEAT are very beatable, at least right now. Dwayne Wade did miss the game last night, but that doesn't matter. A loss is a loss and the way the HEAT are playing I expect the losses to continue. Yes I think they turn it around, but probably not until mid December. And let's not forget they are one injury away from Wade to being the Cavs 2.0. And Wade continues to deal with injuries, like last night's sore wrist. I'm still picking the HEAT to win 60 games, but give it two weeks and I may have to revise that.

Some notes:
Chris Bosh is finally starting to play well because the HEAT have been running things through him. That's not going to last. This is LeBron and Wade's team end of story. Bosh may blow up here and there, but at the end of the day you are looking at a 100 million dollar third wheel who will average between 14-17 points and 7-10 boards a night. And the best part, when he has a shitty game the media is all over him, which he isn't used to. I still say if the HEAT have a serious long term issue it will be with Bosh.

LeBron is always going to be LeBron. He is the best player in the League and puts up crazy good numbers. The thing that I am so surprised by is the amount of dumb things he says and how non-chalante he is about losing or just playing hard. I think this whole HEAT thing and free agency thing has really affected him. This is the first time in his life he is actually being criticized and it is obviously having a negative affect on his psyche. I don't think this will be an issue during the regular season, but it could have affect in the playoffs. I mean look at the way he gave up last year.

Rudy Gay is good, but OJ Mayo sucks. Gay is living up to his contract and is pretty much averaging career highs across the board. On the other hand Mayo has been terrible and is even out of the starting lineup. There has been some small talk that Mayo be on the block come the trade deadline because the Grizzlies cannot afford to pay Zach Randolph, Marc Gasol, and Mayo. And at this point Mayo is clearly the least valuable so I would have to agree that trading him at this point is probably a good idea. If they could get a high level player or decent draft picks in return. It's becoming pretty clear the Grizzlies want Xavier Henry to take over the 2 guard role and if something good comes along I believe he will be trade at the deadline.

One other thought:
The Bulls are good! On Friday night they beat the Dallas Mavericks in Dallas and beat two of the three Texas teams during their dreaded Texas Triangle Trip. This doesn't happen often in the NBA and hasn't happened since Michael Jordan was in town for the Bulls. Derrick Rose is as good as any point guard in the League and is definitely the best scoring PG. Joakim Noah is a beast, Loul Deng continues to do a little bit of everything, Kyle Korver is DRILLING and I mean drilling threes, and Taj Gibson is thankfully still solid. Gibson may have sucked for two straight games, but he blew up against the Mavs and even hit his first three since he was a kid. Chicago is 7-4, 1.5 games behind the Orlando Magic, and their only losses this season are against the Spurs, Thunder, Celtics, and a Knicks team that had a career three point shooting night. That's pretty impressive considering three of those teams have Finals aspirations, which is what the Bulls have to be thinking once they get Carlos Boozer back,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Derrick Rose for MVP

Last night Derrick Rose played the best quarter of his life. Plagued by foul trouble that limited him to only 5 minutes in the third quarter, Rose entered in the fourth and immediately took an 8 point deficit to a 10 point lead. He hit several threes, got into the paint, and generally did whatever he wanted too. The Bulls clearly need Rose to be great, but what he did last night was MVP worthy. He took over a game that was in the hands of the opponent and willed his team to victory. Not that others didn't play well like Korver, Noah, and Brewer, but Rose was the catalyst for everything and if he continues to play the way he has in the early going there is no reason the Bulls can't be a serious contender in the East. And for all the chuckles Rose received when he said he could be MVP those reporters are now eating crow. If Rose keeps up his 24.7 ppg and 9.2 assists he will definitely finish in the top five in voting.

Some Notes:

Ronnie Brewer needs to start, it's that simple. Keith Bogans was a big reason the Bulls fell into a hole in the third quarter, he is just not good enough to be matched up against the other team's starting SG. Kevin Martin abused Bogans in the first and third quarter and the minute Brewer came in Martin was a non-factor. It's not rocket science, Brewer needs to start!

Taj Gibson had his first bad game of the year going 1-9 from the field and being abused by Luis Scola. At first glance you can chalk this up to Gibson having a bad night or even Gibson just plain sucking. But what I saw was a fundamental shift in the second half that could have helped Gibson throughout the night. Gibson guarded Scola one on one pretty much the entire time he was in there. And while he did front him at times most of the time his goal was to just push him as far away from the hoop as possible. Once he went to the bench and Deng started guarding Scola the philosophy changed. Deng fronted him the entire time and then help came when he got the ball. That rarely happened with Gibson. So yes, Gibson sucked, but he also didn't have the same help that Deng had, so I'll give him a slight pass on this one. Let's hope he plays better tonight against Tim Duncan and DeJuan Blair.

Luol Deng was 6-21 from the field and I don't care. If he is going to the hole aggressively, not settling for long two point jumpers, rebounding and playing D I can live with some off nights shooting the ball. Deng is a player that can have a very positive influence on the game regardless of how much he is scoring and last night was one of those nights. He grabbed 10 boards and had 2 blocked shots to go along with his 16 points. The thing I don't like is when he is missing free throws like he did last night going a sad 3-6 from the charity stripe. That should never happen.

Tonight the Bulls go into San Antonio and it should be a pretty good game. I don't expect the Bulls to win, but I do think it is competitive. Noah should cancel out Duncan and Rose is the best player on the floor, so they will at least have a chance. This is a game where they could really use Carlos Boozer's scoring and rebounding, but alas he is still two weeks or so away from returning.

NBA Notes:

The Knicks continue to lose, see below for more Knicks info!

Brandon Roy officially has knee issues that are never going away and some around the league aren't sure how good he's going to be when he comes back from his current trip to the Inactive Roster. He has zero meniscus in either knee and has already had god knows how many surgeries on his knees. Once he loses his explosiveness he is done. Roy is a player that has to have the ball in his hands in order to be affective and isn't the type of player who can just come off of screens and knock down jumpers. I see his career turning into Tracy McGrady very quickly. Within the next two years Roy will continue to act like a star while no longer having the game of a star. My suggestion, trade him and Aldridge and completely rebuild. Even if everyone is EVER healthy (Greg Oden included) what's the best this team could hope for, a second round playoff loss? I say start rebuilding now while Aldridge and Roy still have value. The Blazers won't do this of course, they sell out and the fans love Roy, but give it two years and the fans will quickly turn on this injury plagued team. And Aldridge by the way is just an average starting PF in the league. He has a nice game, but he is way to soft to ever reach the top at his position. Let's go to the Taj Gibson comparison.
Gibson 29 minutes, 55%, 6.3 Rebounds, 1 Stl, 1.8 Blocks, 12.9 points
Aldridge 38 minutes, 45.7%, 7.8 Rebounds, 1.3, Stl, 1.3 Blocks, 17.5 Points
Yeah Aldridge is better, but is he 10 million a season better. I doubt it, plus if you increase Taj's minutes to 38 the numbers are almost identical, hell you could argue Gibson is a better player per minute.

The Los Angeles Clippers have ONE WIN! That's right they are 1-10. Say what you want about injuries and Baron Davis not being ready, but they have enough talent on that team to have more than 1 victory. It's time to start pointing the finger at Vinny Del Negro. I haven't seen much of the Clippers this year, I mean why waste my time, but I know VDN. And he gets about 80% out of his team, so a team that already has issues like the Clippers is pretty much screwed with VDN. He isn't a strong enough personality to get everyone on the same page and has to be one of the worst tacticians in the NBA. Basically, good luck with the lottery LAC, you should be guaranteed at least a top four pick (which means they have the worst record in the league).

Monday, November 15, 2010

Amar'e Already Upset

It only took 10 games and Amar'e Stoudemire is already bitching about his new team. Here's what he said:

"It's definitely something that I'm not accustomed to. It's not fun," Stoudemire said to Ian Begley of "We're a young team and we make mistakes but we can't keep doing the exact same thing every night. We just gotta find a way to grow up."

"I don't understand why we're not playing with the urgency. I'm not used to that," Stoudemire said. "We're not playing like we're on a four-game losing streak, now five. We don't have that sense of urgency. It's almost as if it doesn't matter and it's not something I'm used to."

"We just can't have guys complacent and comfortable with losing," Stoudemire said. "I can't stand that. It's more attitude. It's more heart. We have to show more heart and go after it."

"We're still not having that sense of urgency to dig for loose balls, get down on the floor. We're not showing that we really want it," he said.

"Maybe the winning mentality has never been here," Stoudemire said. "I'm used to winning."

"It's a foreign land for me right now," he said.

HILARIOUS!!! I guess it's not so great being the man and having to create your own shots. I've always thought Stoudemire was a great player (offensively), but it was insane of him to think leaving Steve Nash would be good for his career. I've said it before, he is going to be double and triple teamed from here on in and the only way the Knicks are going to win any games is when guys are drilling threes, which has happened 3 times this season. Stoudemire is who he is, a scorer who rebounds a little and plays no defense. At no point did anyone other than the Knicks think he was worth 100 million. In fact, I bet the Knicks could have waited a week or two and still got Stoudemire for about 20 million less. So in response to his comments about his team not playing hard or playing with urgency, I say to you...Good job Amar'e. As the Star it is your job to speak up. Call out teammates. And if you don't believe guys are playing hard enough you should complain. it's probably better to do it behind closed doors, but in this 24 hour news cycle we live in it's tough to avoid the media plus it gives me something to write about. So I'm glad Amar'e hates losing and expects more from his teammates, especially since I picked them to make the playoffs. It's easy for 100 million dollar player to sit back and coast and with any luck Amar'e won't be that guy. Hopefully Amar'e can hold himself accountable too, because a guy making that much money should be able to grab more than 8 boards a night.

-New Orleans is the last undefeated team in the League and I'm yet to talk about them. I'll say a couple things and then move on, because this isn't going to last for long. Chris Paul is a beast and David West is back to his old ways of knocking down open jumpers and playing pick and roll with Paul. Monty Williams is doing a great job as a rookie head coach. The team is defending well and playing hard. That's all you can ask for. The Hornets have two good trade chips, a huge expiring contract in Peja Stojacovichehhdnckhsdf and a solid young player in Marcus Thornton. If those two players and a draft pick can bring back a guy like Andre Iguodala this team could be a serious contender.

-Speaking of Philly, they need to get rid of the old and go with the new. AI should be traded for cap space and picks. Elton Brand should be traded for cap space and picks. Andres Noicini and Jason Kapono should be traded for cap space or picks, whatever they can get for them. Then the 76ers should build around PG Jrue Holiday, SG Evan Turner, SF Thadeus Young, and PF Mareese Speights. Two years from now that's a pretty could team, especially with their lottery pick this year and some other late first rounders from the trades. But it all has to start with moving AI's huge deal.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bulls Hitting their Stride

After falling to 2-3 the Bulls have run off three wins in a row over the Nuggets, Warriors and Wizards. And I must admit, I've been very impressed with the Bulls the entire season, especially during this three game run. Against the Nuggets the Bulls controlled the game from the tap, and other than Carmelo Anthony having another fine day, the game wasn't even close. The Bulls closed out on shooters, pushed the tempo and took advantage of their serious size difference. Against the Warriors the Bulls played just about a perfect game. They jumped out early, didn't let up, and held a high scoring transition team to only 90 points while scoring 120 themselves. Last night the Bulls beat the John Wall led Wizards in a game that featured two of the leagues fastest point guards and the return of Kirk Hinrich. For three quarters the Bulls dominated the game but in the fourth the Wizards got hot from the perimeter. Yes, the Bulls could have done a better job of getting out on the shooters, and yes when guys start hitting threes you need to make them drive even if it leads to a layup. Nothing is more demoralizing than a team hitting two or three 3s in a row to get back into a game. At some point you have to run them off the line no matter what. All that being said, I still liked the way the Bulls closed out on the mid range shooters and I loved the way they finished out the night hitting clutch shots and actually making free throws down the stretch to put the game out of touch.

The Bulls are great shape heading out on their circus trip, which starts Tuesday in Houston. The Rockets are struggling and are missing two of their best players thanks to injuries to Yao Ming and Aaron Brooks. That screams victory for the Bulls. On Wednesday they move to San Antonio to face the second best team in the West. I don't have high hopes for this game, but that's why they play them. From there they move on to Dallas to complete the Texas Swing. This is a winnable game and several of the match-ups actually favor the Bulls, like at PG, Center, and SF. The big issue is can Taj Gibson control Dirk Nowitzki. If Dirk doesn't go insane like he usually does against the Bulls (last season he averaged 27 points a game v. the Bulls), then I give them at least a 50-50 chance to win the game.

The Texas swing is tough, but what follows is four games in five nights surrounding thanksgiving. It starts in LA with the Lakers on the 23rd, then heads to Phoenix on the 24th and culminates with a back to back against the Nuggets on the 26th and the Kings on the 27th. The Bulls have little shot to beat the Lakers unless Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah just go insane, which is possible, but not probable. I expect the Bulls to beat the Suns, the match-ups are all in favor of the Bulls and since they'll most likely be coming off a loss I think the Bulls will be pissed and ready to go. The Bulls just beat the Nuggets and could do it again. That's a 50-50 game. As for the Kings, I think it will be all about how the road trip is going. If the Bulls are say 2-4 heading into that game I think they win cause they will be focused. If they are 3-3 I think they may lose because they will be ready to get back home. Anyway you look at it the Bulls should win at least 3 of the 7 road games which would be a great start to the season. Especially because Carlos Boozer is planning to return as soon as the Bulls get back home.

-One non Bulls note. Am I the only one that is giddy about the collapse of Chris Bosh? I have had this argument for some time with a friend of mine that Bosh is not a top ten player and is not even top five at his position. And right now he is proving me right. All he has to do is grab rebounds, defend, and makeup layups. So what does he have to show for it? A pedestrian 14.5ppg, 6 rebounds per game, and only a block and less than a steal per night. That is what gets you 106 million dollars? Amazing. I've said it all year long, if the HEAT are going to have any 'Serious' issues this season it's going to be because Bosh gets tired of playing third or maybe even fourth banana. Plus the bigger the game, it seems like the less he is involved and the more he shrinks under the pressure. It's great! For comparison sake, Taj Gibson is averaging 14.3ppg, 6.4 rebounds, a steal and almost 2 blocks a night. And he's doing it in less minutes. Taj makes 1.1 million this season while Bosh is making 14.5 million. That's pretty good value for the Bulls!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Bulls Taking it from Deep!

Last night the Bulls had a shoe in victory because they were playing the struggling New York Knicks at the United Center. Amar'e Stoudemire was averaging an un-100 million dollar like 21 points and 7 rebounds per game. Danilo Gallinari was being called one of the worst starters in the NBA. Ray Felton was doing his best Ray Felton imitation. And no one had ever heard of Toney Douglas. But that's why they play the games.

From the opening tip the Knicks hit every three they threw up there. Some of them were open looks, some of them were not. As a team they shot a prosperous 67% from behind the arc hitting 16 threes. Needless to say this was a career day from just about everyone on the Knicks. D-Gallo went 4-4 from the arc, Felton was 4-6, and Douglas was 5-9. That will never EVER happen again. Guys may go off like that, but there is no way everyone will go off at the same time.

Even with all that, the Bulls were close and had several opportunities to make a game of it. Unfortunately, every time the Bulls got within 8 (which happened twice in the second half) the Bulls would turn the ball over and someone would hit a three. There is little you can do when the Shooters are this hot from behind the arc.

Most of the talk from last night is going to be about Tom Thibodeau benching Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah in the fourth quarter. At one point the Bulls were within 9 and there was still almost 6 minutes left to play. I thought Coach would put Noah and Rose in to go with Brewer, Gibson, and Korver, but instead he rode the bench and they lost. It's easy to second guess, but honestly I don't think the Bulls were winning this game. Even late in the fourth the Knicks still were hitting threes as Felton iced it with a deep three a good two feet behind the arc. Would I have brought back Noah and Rose? Yes. Do I think it's a big deal that he rode the bench and was sending a message to guys that if they don't close out on shooters they won't play? No. He's the coach, and I trust him, unlike VDN who wasn't a coach.

Other notes from the game:
Rose was just awesome last night. He played his most complete offensive game of his career scoring 24 points on 17 shots and dishing out a career high 14 assists. It was spectacular to watch, offensively he was everywhere. Defensively he still has some work to do. He still doesn't get through the pick quick enough, but the effort is there and he is doing a pretty good job at recovering to get a hand up on the shooters.

Amar'e looked terrible for most of last night despite being played one on one almost exclusively. In fact, he was the only dark spot on an otherwise flawless Knicks game. Stoudemire was 5-21 from the field, fouled out late in the fourth quarter, and had 8 turnovers. That is some 100 million dollar player. At least he's healthy, unlike our 75 million dollar player.

Ronny Turiaf is the perfect backup big man. He does all of the little things you need, He's quick on the defensive rotation, he's a stud rebounder, and he only shoots within the offense. Last night he dominated the 25 minutes he played grabbing 7 rebounds and scoring 9 points. He was way more effective than Stoudemire.

It's time to Bench Bogans or try him as the backup point guard. Bogans does next to nothing offensively and it seems like every time the Bulls need a big momentum bucket or they need something to go right for them the ball ends up in Bogans hands and he screws it up. That is better than what CJ Watson is bringing to the table right now, but they can't bench him, they isn't a third PG on the roster. Watson is doing nothing and it makes me long for the days of Jannero Pargo, ok that's not ture. Nothing makes me yearn for those days. On the year Watson is shooting 36% from the field, is yet to hit a three, and has almost a 1:1 assist turnover ratio, which is just plain terrible. I think Brewer should be thrown into the starting lineup with Korver backing him up. The two of them can split the 2 guard minutes and it will be a lot more effective than what Bogans is currently giving them. As for Watson, you just kind of half to ride that one out.

Lastly, tonight it's Bulls at Celtics. While I expect them to lose this should be a very interesting game as both teams will be fired up for Coach Thibs return to Boston.